Miles 6 Month Milestone Session

Miles 6 Month Milestone Session-San Antonio Family Photographer


Meet Miles Henry! My youngest little love. Born January 3, 2018, 11 days before his due date and weighing a whopping 8lbs 11oz even almost a couple weeks early! I cannot believe my last baby is already 6 months old. He’s everything I could want in a little guy and I’m so lucky we were blessed with him.


He was a little unsure about what he was supposed to do in this little tub. I mean, usually he’s stuck in the jumbo, watching him like a hawk, telling his brother not to splash. And today, I’m saying “splash Miles” and backing up to take pictures. I can see why he was confused! Once he got comfy though, he had so much fun splashing in the water!


His little hands, I just can’t! I love him so much.


Miles pregnancy came as a huge surprise to us. We’d been trying for another baby for almost 2 years. I had gone back to work, had made peace with being a 4 person family, and was happy! Then I started feeling funny….and was absolutely shocked to find out another one was on the way. Now that I see this smile everyday I cannot imagine life without Miles.


These are my other two loves! Lilly and Cael. Lilly loves the camera, loves dress up and all things girly, but will also play hard with the boys. She is often spotted wearing cat ears and loudly declares her intentions to be a pop star.

Cael is crazy smart, has a great sense of humor, especially for his age, and is feisty and sweet at the same time. He’s a snuggler and also strong. I love seeing him play with his brother and I can see the strong man he’ll become already.


And, here’s me! Thanks to my husband for learning how to snap some photos on my real camera. Here’s my attempts at getting everyone to look and smile! It never truly works, but I love all of these photos. It’s us, and we’re not “perfect” by any means so these photos with personality blazing through are just who we are!


Also, on a less serious note-I am really loving hats this summer. Which is good, because San Antonio is sunny and soooo hot!



This is my favorite of Miles and I. I hope when he’s older he looks at this photo and can feel how much he is loved. I hope when he’s 25 we still smile with each other this much.


This girl you guys! She has such big ambitions. And for a soon to be first grader is acutely aware of how social media shapes our society. She often asks how many “hits” her IG account gets (it’s private so not that many, but I love that she wants engaging followers lol).


Cael cannot be still. Miles cannot not laugh at Cael. Poor Lilly! This is life with brothers chica! I promise it’ll never be dull.


So, Cael is out of focus in most of these. I set the camera settings and he just jumps all over crazy. Real life! They’re so much better behaved for other photographers. When my sweet friend Emily Anne does our photos, they cooperate. And when I’m not the one yelling at my kids to look I can fix settings quickly!


Who looks like who?!


Hands full, heart fuller.


As some of you may have seen, there was a storm coming in at the end of shooting. Right as Danny took this photo a big wind gust came through and poor Lilly was terrified it was a tornado. It wasn’t. And she didn’t stay scared. But this is too cute. She was so nervous and wanted to protect Miles. Such a good sister!!!

I love working with kids. Mine, others, and I love the authentic moments kids create. There is no such thing as a planned family session. Ideas yes, but then we follow the kids lead and just have fun! If you’re looking for a fun and patient family photographer, I’m your girl! You can message me here to schedule your session!

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