Becoming “Anna Kay Photography” San Antonio Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Anna Kay Photography

San Antonio Wedding and Portrait Photographer

“Becoming Anna Kay Photography”


Hey friends!

Thank you so much for stopping by the new blog! After a resounding vote to write about why I changed my name to “Anna Kay Photography” on the Instagram page, I’m excited to post this as my first blog on the new platform! So read on to see why “Lilly Love” got a makeover!

If you’re new here, hop over to the “About Me” page to learn more about me and why I do what I do!

Lilly Love Photography started as an idea during bath time one night. Danny and I were getting the kids ready for bed, I was super pregnant with Miles and burnt out on my day job. He had been to a leadership seminar and came home with an idea. “What if you gave this photography thing a go instead of getting your masters?” What?! It sounded amazing but at that point my “photography thing” was literally an old DSLR that I barely knew how to use, a love of taking photos on my phone in an “artsy” way and hiring people to do our family photos!

The thought of having my own company intrigued me though and I quickly decided to take some classes and jump in. Any good business needs a name, so I came up with “Lilly Love”. Lilly, my daughters name. Love, because I love her and photography. And together they sounded catchy. So I set up an Instagram account under “Lilly Love” and didn’t tell a soul. To be totally honest guys, I was terrified that people would find out I was trying to be a photographer.

I had no problem with strangers knowing per se, but people I knew in real life? Nope. No thanks. I was so worried about what they would think, I didn’t tell people I was doing it for months. I didn’t promote my social media pages, I didn’t create a Facebook page or ask for referrals save a few friends that I couldn’t hide it from.

If I’m being transparent, “Lilly Love” came out of a need to feel slightly connected to my business, but far enough away that if it failed, it wasn’t my name that failed.

Ouch. That seriously hurts to write that.

After finding some success, a lot of education, some equipment upgrades, and a drive to grow my business I’d decided in the fall it was time to invest in a REAL website. (Thank you, The Kate Collective!!!)

I was staying consistently booked and LOVED my new career. I LOVED meeting my clients, hearing their stories and delivering images that they LOVED!

I wanted to build a website that reflected the style of art I create. I wanted people to know that when they booked a session with me, they were getting me! All in. Super excited and proud to be working with them.

But…that’s where “Lilly Love” came to be a problem for me. I had become emotionally attached to the name, but it wasn’t actually me!

I had literally been hiding behind a name.

A really special name for sure, but not one that I felt I could build my company on.

And the emails… “Hi Lilly, I’d like….” were getting old. I absolutely can’t blame people for thinking it was my name, but it just became frustrating explaining that I was Anna, not Lilly. Not her associate, like it was actually my company! It felt like the time had come that I could be proud of the hard work I’d put into growing this business. I was excited to talk about it and for people to know that I was doing it!

So, Anna Kay Photography came to be!

I hope you can relate with the fear of owning something new and different. Embarking on starting a business is scary. What if it fails? What if people laugh? What if they hate my work? All the things consumed my first few months of business.

If you’re starting your business journey or any new venture my advice for you is to

  • Find a mentor or community to help you grow and answer those hard questions.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who want you to succeed. No time for downers.
  • Mistakes happen, it’s ok.
  • You cannot do everything. Outsource accordingly for maximum growth and time to dedicate to your goals.
  • OWN IT! Don’t waste time hiding. I often wonder what I missed out on by not sharing my goals sooner.

I hope you’re loving the new “Anna Kay Photography”. I am so grateful for all of you!

While the name has changed, the core of my business has not.

Photography, friendships, adventures will always be my guide. As an “Anna Kay” client you’ll be treated like a friend, we’ll create beautiful images and our sessions will be FUN! Your wedding day will be a beautiful FUN adventure!

I’ve got some big goals for this year and it’s so freeing to be able to chat about them openly and connect with other dream chasers.

Also, I know this post is kinda consumed by Miles (because he’s a clingy lil guy right now), BUT I wanted to mention “Lilly Love” may be a brand again one day. Lilly (now 6) currently has goals of becoming a pop star, vet, Air Force officer, photographer and is an amazing artist. I wouldn’t be surprised if she takes her name and runs with it.

I hope she feels empowered to do so after watching her mama chase her dreams.

“Walk with the dreamers,

the believers,

the courageous,

the cheerful,

the planners,

the doers,

the successful people with their heads in the clouds

and their feet on the ground.

Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it…”

Wilfred Peterson

Ready to schedule your session? Head here to connect! I cannot wait to work with you!

Personal Paparazzi- Emily Anne Photography

Edits- Me!

Sweater- Rent the Runway


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